JAMMU, Jan 11: The Border Security Force (BSF) has initiated a special program aimed at training women residing near the international border as beauticians, as announced by its spokesperson on Saturday. This initiative is part of the BSF’s commitment to empower residents of border areas, enhance skill development, and promote self-sufficiency, thereby contributing to comprehensive growth and prosperity in the region.
The four-week beautician training course is designed to equip 30 women from the R S Pura sector with essential skills. The first phase of this program was held from September 16 to October 25 of last year, catering to 15 women. The second phase, which includes another set of 15 participants, began on December 23 and will conclude on January 18.
Participants of the course are being trained in various beautician skills and will receive certificates acknowledging their expertise upon completing the second phase, according to the spokesperson.