Troopers of the Border Security Force (BSF) successfully intercepted and recovered 8.56 kg of heroin valued at over Rs 56 crore from Ballarhwal village in Punjab’s Amritsar district on Thursday. A BSF spokesperson reported that this seizure marks one of the largest single drone-dropped heroin consignments found in a single operation.
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Acting on actionable intelligence concerning a rise in drone activities in the area, BSF personnel set up an ambush. They successfully recovered a substantial package containing 15 smaller packets of heroin. The spokesperson highlighted the importance of this recovery, given the consignment’s market value exceeding Rs 56 crore. “Despite challenging weather conditions, including fog, BSF forces remain vigilant and committed. Their proactive coordination and alertness have enabled them to thwart cross-border smuggling attempts targeting drug infiltration into India,” the spokesperson stated. (UNI)