SRINAGAR, Dec 14: On Saturday, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) filed a chargesheet against one individual involved in the deadly terrorist attack on a bus transporting pilgrims from Shiv Khori, Ransoo to Katra in Jammu and Kashmir.
According to a spokesperson for the NIA, the chargesheet submitted to the NIA Special Court in Jammu accuses the detained individual, Hakam Khan @ Hakim Din, under multiple sections of the IPC and the UA(P) Act.
The assault occurred on June 9, 2024, when unidentified militants opened fire indiscriminately at the bus near Kanda, close to Jhandi Morh. In this horrifying attack, eight pilgrims along with the bus driver lost their lives, while 41 others sustained serious injuries. The attack was intended to instill fear among the general public and those visiting Jammu & Kashmir for pilgrimage. It was reported that the bus driver was struck in the head by a bullet, causing him to lose control, resulting in the bus plunging into a steep gorge, leading to the tragic toll of casualties.
Following an order from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, the NIA took over the investigation. Hakam was arrested after thorough investigations and evidence collection. He reportedly confessed to his involvement in the conspiracy orchestrated by three terrorists, who received his substantial logistical support. NIA findings indicate that Hakam had provided food and accommodation for the attackers and assisted them in identifying the location for the assault.
The investigation in the case RC-02/2024/NIA/JMU is still ongoing, as stated in the report.