Jammu, January 17: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has officially launched a Coffee Table Book detailing the Assembly Election Coverage by Doordarshan News Jammu. The Lieutenant Governor congratulated the Regional News Unit (RNU) of Doordarshan and the editorial team for their efforts. He praised the RNU team for their dedication in informing and educating the public about the electoral process.
The publication showcases the initiatives undertaken by the RNU during the Assembly elections, including awareness campaigns via social media, signature campaigns under SVEEP (Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation), and special programs aimed at enhancing electoral awareness.
Vivek Pathak, the Regional Head of Doordarshan News Jammu, also informed the Lieutenant Governor about the operational milestones and projects of the RNU Jammu, highlighting their outreach efforts to remote and difficult-to-access areas of J&K to promote the significance of voting.