MOSCOW, Feb 23: According to Alexander Yakovenko, deputy director general of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and a member of the Russian Security Council’s scientific board, NATO is evolving into a mechanism for containing the United States itself due to the tensions between European elites and Washington. Yakovenko stated to Sputnik, “With the loss of overseas support, European leaders are fighting for their survival. They have aligned with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, betting on the continuation of the war to obstruct the normalization between Russia and the U.S. Simultaneously, NATO is becoming a tool for containing the U.S., which is moving away from its liberal agenda.” He noted that the current conservative movement signifies a significant shift in U.S. policy, while European political figures are resisting the emerging geopolitical norm, which could place them at a disadvantage, finishing with the remark that they might end up on the “U.S. menu.” (UNI)