Jammu, Jan 7: On Tuesday, police in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district booked two alleged criminals, including an overground worker (OGW) associated with terrorists, under the stringent Public Safety Act (PSA).
Mohd Abass, a resident of Dher village in Billawar, and Farman Ali from Gota Rahua village in Marheen were both placed in the high-security Kot Bhalwal jail in Jammu following the enforcement of the PSA, according to a police spokesperson.
Abass is recognized as an OGW involved in numerous illegal activities, while Ali, who is a notorious bovine smuggler, has five FIRs registered against him at the Rajbagh police station under various sections of the Indian Penal Code since 2019.
The duo was detained under the PSA by the order of the District Magistrate of Kathua, after police compiled their dossiers with the intent to diminish their unlawful activities, the spokesperson stated.