Srinagar, December 6: On Friday, the Jammu and Kashmir Police executed a raid at the residence of an individual suspected of creating and spreading false information in Srinagar. According to police reports, the operation was carried out at the home of Abdul Hamid Parry in Budshah Nagar, Natipora, following search warrants issued by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Court. During the raid, authorities seized incriminating materials and electronic devices.
The police plan to conduct additional searches at the residences of other identified suspects connected to this harmful propaganda. They stated, “The raid in Natipora is part of our efforts to dismantle a network engaged in the spread of fabricated and malicious narratives aimed at inciting unlawful and violent actions.”
This operation is part of an ongoing investigation into case FIR No. 65/2024 under section 13 of the UA(P) Act. Police emphasized that the probe targets certain individuals who, at the instigation of adversarial forces and through a criminal conspiracy, have been involved in producing and disseminating distorted and false narratives. They added, “This misinformation campaign aims to incite violence and disrupt public order.”
Additionally, last week, Srinagar Police conducted raids in the Batmaloo and HMT areas, targeting two individuals: Obais Riyaz Dar, a resident of Bonpora Batmaloo, and Sahil Ahmad Bhat from HMT Zainakot, both of whom were recognized as key actors in perpetuating the unlawful narrative.
The J&K Police have urged the public—especially the youth—to remain vigilant and responsible when using social media platforms. “Citizens are reminded to avoid sharing or uploading content that promotes false and inciteful narratives that could lead others to engage in terrorist acts,” the police warned.
Authorities have identified additional suspects related to the ongoing investigation and are planning further raids in the coming days. These actions are part of a broader initiative to counter the misuse of social media for disseminating harmful and misleading information that threatens public safety and order. “We urge the public to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in maintaining peace and preventing the spread of divisive and harmful narratives,” the police added.