New Delhi, January 3: The Railway Board has updated the minimum educational qualifications required for recruitment to Level-1 (previously known as Group D) positions.
Under the revised guidelines, candidates who have passed Class 10, hold an ITI diploma, possess an equivalent qualification, or have the National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) awarded by the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) are now eligible to apply for Level-1 roles.
Previously, it was mandatory for applicants in technical departments to have completed the Class 10 examination along with obtaining the NAC or an ITI diploma.
A communication from the board, dated January 2, informed all railway zones that this issue was reassessed, leading to a new decision that overrides previous instructions.
“The Board has determined that the minimum educational requirement for all upcoming open market recruitments in Level-1 positions (including the forthcoming CEN for Level-1 recruitment) will consist of passing the 10th grade or possessing an ITI or equivalent qualification or the National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) issued by NCVT.”
Level-1 positions in the Indian Railways encompass roles such as assistants for various departments, pointsmen, and track maintainers.
Recently, the Railway Recruitment Board issued a notification to hire approximately 32,000 candidates for Level-1 roles, with the application period set from January 23 to February 22. (AGENCIES)