JAUNPUR (UP), Jan 19: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh stated on Sunday that, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, India has emerged as the largest digital economy. Speaking with reporters, he said, “There are the highest number of 5G users spanning from urban to rural areas. Our goal is to transform India into a developed nation by 2047.”
This statement followed a ceremony at the residence of senior BJP figure Jagat Narayan Dubey. Rajnath noted that today when India speaks, the global community pays attention. “Scientists are developing military technology domestically and exporting it worldwide. We have 1.30 lakh startups operational in this nation,” he added.
He emphasized that the youth of India should familiarize themselves with the nation’s history, which chronicles accomplishments across various sectors. In response to questions, the Defence Minister described occupied Jammu and Kashmir as India’s crown jewel, insisting that without it, the region is incomplete. “For Pakistan, it is merely foreign territory. They exploit it to promote terrorism and anti-India narratives,” he remarked.
He reaffirmed that occupied Jammu and Kashmir constitutes an integral part of India, warning Pakistan to dismantle terrorist training facilities and launching pads in the region or face appropriate consequences. He also reminded Pakistan of past surgical strikes and the Balakot operation conducted against terrorist camps. He expressed concern that Pakistan continuously schemes to foment terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.
Regarding the anti-India narrative perpetuated by Jammu and Kashmir’s Prime Minister Anwar ul Haq, the Defence Minister stated that Pakistan is attempting to incite the local populace against India under the guise of religion while oppressing the area’s residents. (Agencies)