Abdul Rahim Rather, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, has taken strong exception to the recent undue publicity regarding notices issued by Legislators related to the upcoming budget session. He has voiced his concerns, stating that such actions contradict established Parliamentary practices, conventions, and rules.
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In a statement released today, the Speaker noted that, “In accordance with Parliamentary practices and established conventions, it is inappropriate to publicize Notices of Questions, Bills, Resolutions, and other similar matters related to House proceedings.” He expressed his disappointment towards the members responsible for this publicity, as it could be considered a breach of Privilege according to existing regulations, and instructed them to cease such activities in the future.
A spokesperson for the Legislative Assembly reinforced the commitment to maintaining the integrity of legislative business, stating that the Speaker has issued a directive to guarantee strict adherence to the prescribed rules. Members are encouraged to respect parliamentary conventions and avoid premature disclosures regarding the business of the House.
Notably, there have been reports of an MLA posting questions submitted to the Assembly Secretariat on social media, as well as other Legislators circulating copies of private members’ bills to the media.