JAMMU, Jan 31: Police in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kathua district have detained three suspected overground workers under the strict Public Safety Act, as reported on Friday. The individuals—Md Rafiq from Ghar Malti, Ravinder Kumar, also known as Shanu from Dadwara, and Amrik Chand, referred to as Amrku from Dharamkot—are recognized as hardcore criminals and have been linked to various illegal activities over the past several years. They have been named in multiple cases at the Billawar police station, according to a police spokesperson.
The trio was detained under the Public Safety Act upon the district magistrate’s directives, following the preparation of their dossiers aimed at curtailing their unlawful actions. Subsequently, the warrants for their detention were carried out, and they have been placed in separate district jails located in Jammu, Rajouri, and Udhampur, as stated by the spokesperson.