Jammu, Dec 5: A probe has been initiated by authorities in the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir following a surprise inspection that revealed individuals allegedly handling official documents within a government office on Thursday, according to an official report.
During the inspection conducted by Rajouri Deputy Commissioner Abhishek Sharma at the office of the assistant regional transport officer (ARTO), several individuals were discovered inside restricted official rooms. This raised serious concerns regarding unauthorized access to sensitive areas, the official noted.
Additionally, a computer shop nearby has been sealed after documents from the ARTO office were found on the premises.
The deputy commissioner has ordered immediate disciplinary proceedings and a thorough inquiry into the situation.
“The inquiry aims to reveal any lapses on the part of the office staff and to investigate the involvement of external parties in managing official documents. The administration is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and accountability in public offices. Any breaches of these principles will face stringent consequences,” the deputy commissioner stated.
He also highlighted the necessity for enforcing stricter protocols to prevent unauthorized access to government offices and documents in the future.