Jammu, Jan 4: On Saturday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh visited the Mata Vaishno Devi and Mata Bhadrakali shrines, extending an invitation to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir to attend the Maha Kumbh, scheduled from January 13 to February 26 in Prayagraj.
Accompanied by his wife, senior IAS officer Rashmi Singh, and their son, the chief secretary received a warm welcome from displaced Kashmiri Pandits at an event held at the Bhadrakali temple in Jammu.
“The Maha Kumbh is set to take place in Prayagraj from January 13 to February 26. Our chief minister (Yogi Adityanath) has called upon people from every corner of the country and the world to participate. On behalf of the Uttar Pradesh government, we warmly invite the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir to join us at the Kumbh,” Singh shared with reporters.
Highlighting the contributions of Kashmiri Pandits, Singh stated, “We look forward to welcoming them to the Kumbh.”
Regarding the arrangements for this grand event, Singh remarked, “A Kumbh city has been developed on an extensive area of 4,000 hectares. For the past one and a half years, preparations have been in full swing, with an investment of Rs 7,000 crore to enhance the infrastructure in Prayagraj.”
Delving into the details of the arrangements, Singh assured, “We are prepared to accommodate 40 crore visitors over the next 40-45 days. The Uttar Pradesh government has executed all essential preparations. We extend our invitation especially to the people of Jammu and Kashmir, particularly those from the Kashmir region, to visit the Kumbh.”
Discussing tourism in Uttar Pradesh, the chief secretary revealed that 38 crore tourists visited the state last year.
“Our estimations indicate that an average tourist spends between Rs 4,000 to Rs 4,500. With 40 crore visitors expected for the Kumbh Mela, we are forecasting a trade value of around Rs 1.5 lakh crore across various sectors such as transport, hospitality, rentals, and food services,” Singh elaborated.
He emphasized, “Tourism is a crucial sector for generating employment. It’s observed that for every minimum investment of Rs 10 lakh, one job is created within tourism, contrasting with the manufacturing industry, which requires an investment of Rs 2-3 crore to create a single job. The UP government is fully aware of this and is dedicated to promoting pilgrimage tourism.”
He further claimed that Uttar Pradesh boasts the highest number of pilgrimage sites dedicated to Hinduism and Buddhism, which significantly supports pilgrimage tourism.
Addressing the demand for reservation in medical colleges for the displaced Kashmiri Pandit community, Singh assured that he would discuss this matter with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.